Wednesday, January 20, 2010

India and Israel (courtesy- expressbuzz)

The relationship between India and Israel has grown to be of much importance, particularly in arms sales. India has become Israel’s largest customer, acquiring about $1.5 billion in weapons every year. Only Russia sells more arms to India. Bruce Riedel, a former South Asia analyst at the CIA, said the Indian space agency launched a highly sophisticated Israeli spy satellite a year ago, the first of what is expected to be three such launches.

Israel’s ambassador to India, Mark Sofer, declined to discuss the security relationship between the countries, saying Israel never talks about it publicly.

But Sofer acknowledged that they had grown closer in non-military areas in recent years, noting that Israeli-Indian trade has increased from $80 million in 1991, the year the nations established diplomatic ties, to more than $3.5 billion last year.

Israeli companies also have invested heavily in India, particularly in the real estate and agriculture sectors, and India, especially Goa, has become a prime tourist destination for Israelis.

According to data compiled by the tourism ministry, the number of Israelis visiting India has more than quadrupled over the last decade, to more than 40,000 annually.

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